Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Doctor Delivers Good News!!!

This past week we went in for our 25 wk ultrasound. This was our 6th ultrasound!!! More than most women have during a pregnancy due to my placenta being so low and risk of delivering early. Hunter looks great!!! He was very active (as usual) and even gave us a look at his face. The ultrasound tech said there is no doubt he is a boy. He is in the 64% which puts him a little larger than average (not a big surprise to us). During the ultrasound the tech pointed out that my placenta had moved up 3 cm and was right where it needed to be. Thank God!!!! This was a BIG stress off our shoulders. I was so nervous going into the appointment thinking the doctor was going to tell me  I wouldn't be allowed to work or even move from the bed soon, but instead she was very pleased with the movement of my placenta and how well the baby was doing. So hopefully no C-Section!!! The doctor was still a little concerned as to why I still have some bleeding and cramping from time to time. She kept me on a modified bed rest routine, but feels there is nothing serious going on :) 

At my next doctors visit (29 wks) I get to enjoy the wonderful drink for my glucose check (I am not looking forward to this).After my next visit I will be seeing the doctor every 2 weeks. We are so ready to meet our little man. By all the kicks and punches I have been receiving lately I think he is ready to break out into the world!!! He still has a little time to grow and develop, but we are getting very excited about his arrival!!! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Starting Our Blog...

As Anthony and I sat at home tonight trying to decide what to do, we decided to create a blog. We have enjoyed reading his sister Roxanne's blog and updates about Nora (her bundle of joy on the way) and thought maybe our friends and family would enjoy reading about our journey. We are kind of new at "blogging". I took an entire course at IUPUI on blogging websites, but I easily forgot most of what I learned in the course. I'm sure some of you will get a good laugh while we figure out all the ins and outs of blogging. We are excited to share photos and stories about our new families journey with all of you. See you on our next post!!

Anthony and Beth